Saturday, August 24, 2013

Learning English

Good afternoon..
Maybe this’s not my first time I learn English, but this’s my the first I learn English with native speaker, he’s name Boaz or Bo, he’s from Australia and to young…
He’s from Perth, Western Australia. His Father moved to Batam and Married here, and he followed his father.
Yeah, Perth… I hope someday I’ll be there to walk around, visit Melbourne or Sydney maybe, go to Brisbane..

Hmmm, before it, I’ve to learn English hard, learn and learn untill I can speak english fluently and loudly without doubt, I can write english without see translator anymore, and I watch movies or films without text.

Eh, I write this by myself… I don’t know this is right or wrong, but I write .

I believe this’s the way I learn.

Thank you for your attention.
I’m waiting for your comment.